It's been a reasonably quiet one. Havok returned home, apparantly thinner, but full of the joys of spring and with a smile practically tattood on his face - it's still not clear how long that honeymoon tan is going to last. Talking about tattoo's, the forum 1Up'd its female count with Nixy Pixy's arrival. She burst onto the scene with her thread about ink and I think alot of the guys were only too happy for some female attention - a prime example being Sploits homemade effort, a fine angle into the thread albeit a little disturbing in a night-of-the-living dead kind of way. Scratchy apparantly takes his inspiration from behind, I mean brokeback, I mean his back. Bokka1 suggested a motivational poster in his bedroom instead, Scratchy's rebuttal being the impracticality of carrying a poster around with him. I guess he must have a little vanity mirror for an over the shoulder view when he is on the move. By the way Scratchy's so hardcore, being in the desert he just cling-wrapped himself and did the tattoo cut-out and then waited for the dunes to sandblast it in. ScubaSteve pwnd all with his sado-mas0chistic tendencies. Looking at his chest I don't see tattoo's, just pain. Echo ZA also got his word in with a couple of pictures of unhappy animals - I like. Secretly we were all hoping for a photo of Nixy but that didn't materialise and the thread died as abruptly as it started.
One little corner of the woods that I'd like to pay a visit is the Buffalo Soldiers private forum. Their posts are always popping up on the index page - I mean how much Vernon can you talk? As far as I can see they have the most active clan forum - mmm. Talking about activity or rather inactivity - WTF is Sauron? (someone needs to make that a bumper sticker) Since the forum got prettied up - thanks Minem - he's gone soft.
In a step towards the ultimate fanboy showdown - TinFish asked how many 360 forum members visited the Ps 3 forum. This comes hot on the heels of a bun fight over there caused by a LazyGamer flamebait friday article. You got to love Lazy. If you're gonna throw stones do it around glass houses - otherwise it ain't fun. More about that further on. As it turned out, TinFish's post was all it took to bring Viking out of the woodwork. Many of you will remember him as the guy who sold his working Xbox 360 to buy a PS3 -bacause his 360 would have RROD - and then sat for 3 months with no games to play. He became the poster boy for sellers remorse - the pain of reading about the fun he could have been having ended up being to much and he set up camp at the PS3 Forum.
And, would somebody please sell Hiro a second hand copy of Bully.
This has to be my favourite place on the web at the moment. Apart from the interesting articles, Abe's posts are worth looking out for. This guy makes doobiwan look like a fence-sitter. In fact, Abe escaped being an Xbox 360 fanboy by a pixels width when he won a competition for a PS3. You've got to admire him for atleast backing the sponsors.
This week saw a couple of interesting articles by James Francis (ex editor of GAG, oops NAG), which made for some interesting reading - I hope he stays as part of the team - he looks good for a rant or two so I'm holding my breath for some fireworks.
I'm gonna jump straight to last Fridays article though. GTAIV: Is the Xbox 360 Version Superior? A simple question. 74 comments and over 600 views later we can confirm that yes, Fight Night 3 and Oblivion are both better on the 360. Oh, the sick-axis also got pulled into the argument and it was decided that 90% of people found it to be comfortable, or atleast 90% of people in kindergarten. (Sorry PS3 fans - just remember you've got HOME to look forward too - it's a safe place to go and cry into a pillow)
The real fireworks happened over at the PS 3 forum with a post bemoaning the superiority of the 360 - referencing the above article. Our local ninja Durayel, went in nunchucks and all and told everyone to just buy a 360 and stop moaning. This obviously went down like a warm beer. Burns4711 pointed out that most people with both consoles prefer the 360. Bradster69 decided to skate the thin-ice and back up the 360 - a decidely dicey undertaking, as he is a moderator of the PS 3 forum.
Durayel then had an idea for poll - I'm not sure if he predicted the outcome but the results were predictable:A little bit of how's your father ensued - with one person conspicuous by his abscence, Durayel. A master ninja.
- RE: Gamer
Dude that was very well written...
Are you going to be doing a weekly round up?
Yeah, I plan to as long it's interesting (admittingly there is no shortage of source material) and my time permits. So short answer: Yes.
Thanks for the compliment, Gavin.
Brads in my clan and a bit of a GSW, so he'll appreciate the cheevo ;)
Nice article.
Great roundup man (yes, i know this is very late)
Keep 'em coming - you're only about 2 months behind now - loads of material!! ;)
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